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The top three altcoins to purchase during a bitcoin rally are Celer Network, Ethereum, and Verasity

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With Bitcoin gaining momentum, expectations for its prospective market dominance are creating a favorable environment for exploring the best altcoin investments.

In recent weeks, various digital assets have shown a surge in value. Anticipating the next bull market, it’s essential to keep an eye on potential gems that could lead to significant gains.

October’s Altcoins Surge: The Top 3 Picks for Investors

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A few alternative currencies have made a surprising comeback, rising over 100% in the last month. Although October was rather slow, it seems like the last half of the month is moving along faster, and the outlook is getting better.

A number of DeFi coins are now progressing significantly. And this completes the list of the top 3 altcoins for October.

Ethereum (ETH)

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Altcoin Daily

In October, Ethereum emerged as one of the top three cryptocurrencies for investment consideration. It has long been regarded as the second most valuable cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, and it continues to hold a prominent place in the crypto market.

It holds significance due to its broad usability for numerous transactions, encompassing a variety of decentralized applications (dApps). These applications cover NFT marketplaces, metaverse applications, DeFi projects, NFT acquisitions, emerging token purchases, participation in ICOs, and involvement in presale events.

Ethereum, with its $217 billion market capitalization, demonstrates its potential for remarkable growth, especially considering its current price of $1,804.

Ethereum’s widespread adoption through tools like Metamask, a popular wallet for interacting with decentralized applications, underlines its status as a key player in the crypto space. The asset’s substantial trading volume of $9.34 billion enhances its liquidity and attractiveness to investors.

While Ethereum may not fall into the category of low-cap altcoins that promise overnight wealth, it offers a solid and relatively safe investment choice. Its deflationary nature adds to its long-term bullish outlook.

As the cryptocurrency market evolves, Ethereum’s role as a fundamental asset for various blockchain applications could position it as a strong contender for substantial growth, making it an appealing choice for those looking to capitalize on future opportunities.

In 2023, Celer Network (CELR) emerged as a highly promising layer-2 scaling solution, demonstrating its potential for substantial growth. Celer Network’s features make it competitive and attractive to users, which could drive adoption and demand for the token.

Planned developments and enhancements on the platform are expected to further boost demand for CELR. Currently, Celer Network has a market capitalization of $107 million, though it previously reached an all-time high market cap of nearly $1 billion, peaking at $967 million.

The trading volume for this network nearly reached $1 billion the previous day during its peak. Much like Matic, Celer Network aims to address various issues in the cryptocurrency space. It operates as a layer-2 solution and is expected to provide significant benefits.

The total supply of Celer Network tokens is 10 billion, with a maximum supply of 10 billion as well. Celer Network is available for trading on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, Binance, KuCoin, Kraken, and others.

These exchanges are highly regarded as choices for cryptocurrency trading, reflecting positively on the network’s adoption and growth potential. Additionally, Celer Network is listed on Gate.io, Binance.US, Crypto.com Exchange, OKX, and more.

Its presence on multiple exchanges indicates a strong foothold in the cryptocurrency market, making it available for purchase globally. With the increasing demand for blockchain scaling solutions, Celer Network and the CELR token are well-positioned to benefit from this trend.

Verasity (VRA)

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Veracity, denoted as VRA, is a cryptocurrency worth considering for potential investors. Currently, it boasts a trading volume of $17 million and a market capitalization of $59 million. Its present trading price is $0.0057 per unit.

What’s most striking is its historical performance. Veracity has reached an all-time high price of $0.086. This is remarkable because it represents a 20x return from its current trading value, which is quite promising for potential investors seeking substantial returns.

Total Net Advertising Spend Lost to Fraud (2023-2028)

🔹It is expected that the net advertising spend lost to fraud will increase over all regions
🔸@verasitytech provides a blockchain solution against ad fraud through Proof-of-View
🔹Been granted a patent on PoV in Europe$VRA pic.twitter.com/zhFS5hQnal

— House of Chimera (@HouseofChimera) October 25, 2023

Veracity’s uniqueness lies in its fresh perspective on solving real industry problems. It introduces the concept of proof of view, aiming to combat ad fraud in the digital advertising world. Ad fraud is a pervasive issue with significant financial implications.

Veracity’s approach ensures that real human viewers engage with digital content, thwarting automated bots that skew engagement metrics. As the proof of view concept gains acceptance and evolves into a profitable business model, Veracity’s value could potentially surge.

This surge could take it to the range of $0.20 to $0.30 per unit, driven by the broader growth in the gaming industry. This is a significant potential increase and makes Veracity an exciting prospect for investors.

The VRA token is available for trading on a number of leading cryptocurrency exchanges, including KuCoin, Bitfinex, Gate.io, and OKX. Visit our guide to the best altcoins to buy now for 2023 here.


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It is not necessary to go through a difficult process to choose the best cryptocurrencies for investing. By reviewing the best cryptocurrencies, highlighting their advantages, and offering advice on how to spot potential possibilities, this piece has made the work easier.

It has introduced high-performing altcoins and provided tips on assessing if they are suitable for investment, as well as suggestions for current sources of altcoin purchase.

Altcoins are drawing more investors as the value of the top cryptocurrency on the market rises and the market as a whole shows indications of recovery.

Analysts predict that this positive trend will continue over the upcoming months and well into the foreseeable future, as they have previously shown their resiliency and strong performance. If you’re looking for other investment opportunities, check out our list of the top crypto ICOs to consider.


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Author: Julie Gonzalez

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Name: Julie Gonzalez

Birthday: 1956-10-09

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Job: Construction Manager

Hobby: Magic Tricks, Drone Flying, Surfing, Calligraphy, Sailing, Gardening, Lock Picking

Introduction: My name is Julie Gonzalez, I am a transparent, unyielding, unwavering, unswerving, ingenious, venturesome, striking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.